DATALAB supports FAIR principles and strive to document and make all our code freely available for others to refer to and use. Please find available code from DATALAB on our Github.
Digital Infrastructures of COVID-19 Misinformation: A New Conceptual and Analytical Perspective on Fact-Checking
Nissen, I. A., Walter, J. G., Charquero-Ballester, M., & Bechmann, A. (2022). Digital Infrastructures of COVID-19 Misinformation: A New Conceptual and Analytical Perspective on Fact-Checking. Digital Journalism, 10(5), 738-760.
Find code on GitHub.
Systemic Gendering in Facebook Group Participation
Kim, J. Y., Fusaroli, R., Park, H. W., & Bechmann, A. (2021). Systemic Gendering in Facebook Group Participation. Social Media + Society, 7(4).
Find code on GitHub.
Next Generation Internet Report D1.8: Next generation internet technology topics on social media based on human values
Nissen, I. A., Mortensen, M. D., Sala, M., Walter, J. G., Charquero-Ballester, M., Sørensen, M. H., Nielbo, K. L., & Bechmann, A. (2021). D1.8: Next generation internet technology topics on social media based on human values.