Two-track Seminar: GDPR in Businesses & Digital Research Dilemmas
NB: This event has passed.

Together with ATV (The Academy for the Technical Sciences), DATALAB organize a two-track business and research seminar. The business seminar concerns the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the final steps towards compliance. The research seminar concerns digital research ethics and legal compliance in the Humanities and the Social Sciences and is organised by DATALAB together with the forum for digital research in the humanities and social sciences, DIGETIK.
The seminar is held within the framework of Digital Society innovation network project.
Where and when
- Tuesday November 21 10.00-16.00
- AIAS, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Building 1631, Room 101, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
See and download the full programme for the two-track seminar.
About the business seminar
The General Data Protection Regulation become effective on May 25 2018, but many questions regarding how to become compliant are still unclear to Danish companies and organisations. This business seminar features presentations from legal advisers, discussions and concrete business cases to learn from and aims at providing a solution and practiceoriented perspective on the GDPR.
The business seminar addresses CEO’s, CIO’s, CXO’s and technology executives together with Data Protections Officers, business developers and compliance responsible in all private and public companies and organisations.
Sign up by filling out this electronical registration form.
About the research seminar
The aim of the research seminar is to bring together researchers who is doing digital research within the Humanities and Social Sciences, in order to discuss the ethical and legal dimensions of their research projects. Through presentations and discussion of current legal and ethical frameworks and through discussions of how we as researchers do actually go about doing our research in ethically sound ways, we hope to 1) render visible current “best practices” of digital research, and 2) inquire the dilemmas of these practices in order to support digital researchers in navigating the murky waters of digital ethics. Not least, the aim of the seminar is to improve, qualify, and empower ethical decision-making.
The seminar is for all researchers at all stages of their academic careers, including Ph.D.-students, working with big and/or small data. PhD students will be awarded 1 ECTS-point for their participation. Suggested readings will be sent out by e-mail in the beginning of November.
Participation in the seminar is free.
Sign up for the seminar
Sign up is no longer possible as this event has passed.