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In Brisbane, Australia, DATALAB gathered internet researchers from around the world for a workshop on the development of a more human-centered…
Many people consider decisions based on data as neutral, but a case from the United States illustrate that they aren’t. Read the commentary in…
The ROPH’20 conference takes stock of our current knowledge about online political hostility and identify the next big questions we need to solve. The…
The growth of social media and the availability of social media data has opened up new opportunities for researchers and journalists, but social media…
Robots with artificial intelligence can improve our lives, but they can also carry on old prejudices and discrimination. Read the commentary in…
Everywhere on the internet, algorithmic systems try to trap, hook, grab, or otherwise capture users through recommendations. This workshop focuses on…
Research in information disorder on social media will be focal point of a new research center hosted by DATALAB. The center was officially opened on…
On May 6-7, DATALAB hosts a research conference on Online Disinformation, where top research will be presented by researchers from across the globe…
Digital platforms must be held democratically responsible, the media must actively fight disinformation, and politicians must be transparent about…
Commentary in Jyllands-Posten by Lynge Asbjørn Møller and Anja Bechmann about the EU initiative Next Generation Internet (in Danish)
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