Aarhus University Seal

Next Generation Internet Forward (NGI Forward)

The Next Generation Internet (NGI) was a European Commission initiative that aimed at shaping the development and evolution of the Internet into an Internet of Humans. An Internet that responds to people’s fundamental needs, including trust, security, and inclusion, while reflecting the values and the norms all citizens enjoy in Europe.

NGI Forward was a part of the NGI initiative, that tried to direct a more forward-facing and value-led leadership of the internet. NGI Forward wished to have a more democratic, resilient, sustainable, trustworhty and inclusive internet by 2030. We identified and presented concrete building blocks for us to get there.

DATALAB's task in NGI Forward was to investigate online discourses on internet-related topics using social media data as the main data source. Social media can provide rich insights about which topics are particularly frequently discussed and the networks and connections surrounding those topics.

The Consortium

Here follows a short description of the other partners of the NGI Forward Consortium (excluding DATALAB):


Nesta is an independent charity based innovation agency in the UK. They design, test and scale new solutions to society's biggest problems. They are the project leaders of NGI Forward.


DELab is a research center based at University of Warsaw. The Digital Economy Lab is an interdisciplinary program that networks scholars and researchers from various disciplines related to the transformation of the digital economy and society and globalization.


Edgeryders is a community-driven not-for-profit research institute that host the Edgeryders online interactive platform with a global community of about 3,500 citizens. Edgeryders leads Work Package 2 (Collective Intelligence) and have created an online platform for citizen discussions on the NGI Forward.

Nesta Italia

Nesta Italia is an independent not-for-profit foundation operating under license from Nesta. Nesta Italia participates in the consortium as a partner of Task T4.3 Policy and Research Summit organizes the second Research Summit.

Resonance Design BV

Resonance Design BV is the micro company of Rob van Kranenburg. Rob leads Work Package 4 (NGI Ecosystem engagement).  

The City of Amsterdam

The City of Amsterdam is a Public Organization tasked with organizing the first Policy & Research Summit in 2020.