Aarhus University Seal


  • European Digital Media Observatory

EDMO (1/06/2020 - 31/10/2022)
Funding: EUR 2.5M by European Union

Partners at DATALABBechmann, Anja (PI), Walter, Jessica Gabriele, Tveen, Mathias Holm, Nissen, Ida Anthonj

EDMO is an EU project that aims at creating and supporting the work of an independent multidisciplinary community capable of contributing to a deeper understanding of the disinformation phenomenon and to increase societal resilience to it. The project consortium is made up of four partners including DATALAB.

DATALAB’s work in the project is centralised in Task 4 that includes four main elements: the mapping of relevant academic activities in the EU, the identification of relevant academic institutions and organizations in the EU, the creation of a repository of relevant scientific articles, and taking part in a task-force centered around the war in Ukraine.

Reports from EDMO

Presentations from ECREA Post-Conference: Digital Media and Information Disorders

On October 24th, 2022, we were pleased to host the ECREA post-conference Digital media and information disorders: Theorizing and investigating influence operations, impact and contextual factors.

The post-conference invited scholars from around the world and different disciplines to bring forward research focusing on theories and/or empirical studies on digital information disorders e.g., its complex conceptual and contested nature, its contextual factors and associated influence operations, effects and impacts and potential prevention strategies such as digital literacy, fact checking operations and other counter propaganda strategies. The post-conference furthermore focused on nations and regions as contextual factors.


The Consortium

Here follows a short description of the other partners of the EDMO Consortium:

Athens Technology Center

Athens Technology Centre (ATC) is a Greek Information Technology Company. ATC offers tech-expertise on fighting online disinformation. They coordinate the SOMA project; operating the European observatory against disinformation.

The European University Institute

EDMO is a partnership under the leadership of the European University Institute in Florence (Italy), which relies on the expertise of its School of Transnational Governance and Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom.

Pagella Politica

Pagella Politica is the main Italian project dedicated to political fact-checking. The project has been active since 2012 with the aim of monitoring the statements of the main Italian politicians, in order to evaluate their veracity through numbers and facts.